
Life is a user experience

My name is Cris Menéndez and I am a User Experience Architect.

I was born and raised in North Spain, where I went to college to study Economics. There I met my former partner who is Swiss, and two years later I found myself in Switzerland improving my German and seeking employment.

After some freelancing that included teaching Spanish and designing websites, I found my first permanent job as a technical assistant. At that company, I was introduced to the Software Testing world, and from there I found the yellow brick path toward my position as Test Manager at Avaloq, where I stayed for seven years.

At the end of 2013 I felt that I needed to change something in my life and decided to do so. That change involved going back to study. Now I have a Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) in Human Computer Interaction Design and work as a User Experience Architect in Zurich.

In my spare time, I enjoy reading and writing about what I read. I do that for the online Spanish magazine El Templo de las Mil Puertas or in Goodreads. I also like to spend my time watching Korean dramas, doing handicrafts, or organizing stuff. Occasionally, you might find me doing sports, like Pilates, hiking or swimming, but that's a very rare sighting.

Furthermore, I also help to organize the World Usability Day Switzerland and am a co-founder of the UX meetup in Basel. I work too as a volunteer at the Frontend Conference in Zurich.

If you look for me on the internet, you might find me in these other places:



La pecera (old portfolio)

These are some work I've done in the last couple of years. I'm currently working on more case studies. Stay tuned for more!
